About Us

We are here to serve you | We are here to assist you | We are here to help you grow

What is Edrika?

Edrika is a digital platform that promotes collaboration and tutoring between students in secondary schools in Côte d'Ivoire.

Edrika initially aims to create an educational ecosystem in which each learner can volunteer as a potential tutor for their peers within their training establishment. In fact, this Edrika Peer Tutoring service will allow a student tutor (senior) to be paired up with one or more of his or her (junior) peers wishing to increase their skills in a specific field or subject. Beyond peer tutoring, Edrika promoted the creation and management of study clubs such as English or Debate clubs where learners with common interests could collaborate through rich and engaging activity. Finally, Edrika will constitute the ideal environment for the piloting and management of competitions or calls for intra or inter-school projects on a regional and national scale.

Edrika is part of the vision of an ideal education which is based not only on the acquisition of knowledge but essentially on the application and sharing of acquired knowledge.

(“Know-how & make known” - Ideal education).

"If you want to learn something then you should teach other".

A Little Bit of History!

This idea started out as a school project but later developed into a solution service with the aim of providing a fun and interactive way for students to learn in a more collaborative and relaxed manner after observing the constraints tha have been observed in the current African educational method which encourages students to memorize in something popularly called "Chew and Pour" instead of the promotion of practical and entrepreneurial education.

The current educational system sees hundreds of thousands of students graduating with very few landing jobs and even fewer able to thrive in the entrepreneurial route.

Hence the aim of this solution project is to develop and provide a platform that makes learning not only fun but practical and enables students to tap into their hidden potential by engaging in collaborative and interactive activities as well as competitions, quizzes, events, workshops and excursions.

Meet the Team!

Meet the team behind the Edrika service!

Etienne Ekpo Bogan

CEO and Co-founder

Jahmai William Achiriga

COO and Co-founder

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